
Print Journalism, Television Broadcasting, Creative Writing and YearbookProduction round out the varied offerings of the Media Department wherestudents can develop writing, editing, photography, graphic design, advertising, interviewing, and producing skills. Students who complete a second year in any of these courses are eligible for membership in Quill and Scroll, the journalism honor society. In addition, Media students are able to showcase their achieve-ments through the Florida Scholastic Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the Student Television Network.

TV & Film
Television and Film Production are designed to expose our students to theelements that compose a television news broadcast or a short film. They are both hands on classes which permit the student to master digital cameras, editing,sound, television and screen writing. The TV Production students write, editand produce a daily ten minute broadcast for LTV, and the FilmProduction students will write, edit, produce a short film and learnhow to broadcast and facilitate the live streaming of ILS events on Youtube.
The literary magazine, published in full-color format once a year, also appears quarterly in digital fashion, featuring the work of Creative Writing students as well as contributions such as poetry, short stories, essays, art, photography, or illustration from anyone who is a part of the ILS community. Members learn facets of creative writing, including editing and production.

Media Department Head
305-854-2334 ext. 2173
For more information please contact the
Fine Arts Department.
Cristina Ramirez

Omar Gutierrez
Media Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2204

Maria Molina
Media Department
LTV Moderator
305-854-2334 ext. 2184

Giovana Spencer
Media Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2136
Royal Courier
The online newspaper appears weekly beginning in late August through the first week of June, weekends and holidays excluded. Featuring sections found in con-ventional publications, students hone their story generating, writing, editing, lay-out, and photography skills.
Yearbook students conceptualize a theme, generate content, take photographs, engage in graphic design, and more in creating the yearly full-color fall book.
Honor Societies
Delta Sigma Juris - Law Honor Society
French Honor Society - Société Honoraire de Francais
International Thespian Society - Drama
National Italian Honor Society - Societa Onoraria Italica
Mu Alpha Theta - Mathematics
National Art Honor Society
National Business Honor Society
National English Honor Society
National Forensics League Honor Society
National Honor Society
National Honors Society of Dance Arts
Quill & Scroll - Scholastic journalism
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
Science National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society - Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
Student Television Network Honor Society
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Clubs & Organizations
Ambassadors Club
Anime Club
Athletic Training Club
Be the Light Club
Drama Club
Environmental Club
Royal Trend Fashion Club
Fine Arts Club
Glee Club
Guitar Club
International Relations Club
Key Club
Latin American Culture Club
Life is a Gift Club (Respect Life)
Marian Club
Photography & Film Club
Portuguese Culture Club
Purple Heart Club
Robotics Club
Royals for Animals (RADAR)
Royals Debate Team
Salesian Provincial Youth Council
Social Justice Club
Stock Market Club
Student Government Association