The nature of science is inquiry! The ILS Science Department is continually re-evaluating and implementing new approaches and coursework to provide our students with a broad range of inquiry and challenge-based experiences.
The ILS Science Department seeks to meet the needs of each student with a program of study that offers a variety of classes providing fundamental knowledge, college preparation, and the challenge of college level Advanced Placement courses.
Science course offerings include:
Concepts of Physics & Chemistry
Anatomy & Physiology
Marine Science
AP Chemistry
AP Biology
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics
Three years of science are required, including Biology & Chemistry. However, we strongly encourage all students to take four years of science.

All science courses include a laboratory component and strive to engage students in science outside of the classroom through field trips, guest speakers, and even kayak excursions from campus.
A variety of extra-curricular clubs are associated with the Science Department including the Environmental Club, BoscoBots (a robotics club), Catalyst (a science inquiry club), HOSA-Future Health Professionals Club, the Athletic Training Club, and the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) Team. All clubs are open to any student interested, but students may need to fulfil specific club participation requirements.
The local chapter of the Science National Honor Society is available to junior and senior ILS students who excel academically and are committed to the study of science. Members of SNHS provide tutoring services for their peers, participate in Science Olympiad competitions, and routinely make contacts with professionals in the scientific community. Membership requirements include:
Overall GPA and a B+ average across all science courses
Enrollment in at least one second year honors or upper level honors course prior to senior year
Teacher Recommendations

For more information please contact the Science Department.

Science Department
Family Ministry
305-854-2334 ext. 2181
Jose Manuel Companioni
Science Department
Steam Health Science Coordinator
HOSA Advisor
Lacrosse Assistant Coach
305-854-2334 ext. 2215

Cecilia Calleros
Science & Fine Arts Department
Environmental Club
305-854-2334 ext. 2168

Jorge Pacheco
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2189

John Ierardi
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2197

Rebecca Zlatkin
Science Department
​305-854-2334 ext. 2185

Paul Dean
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2164

Moises Casado
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2179

Tania Mendez
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2260

Roberto Jimenez
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2252

Nicole Maribona
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2226

Dr. Rebecca Shaw
Science Department
305-854-2334 ext. 2183
Honor Societies
Delta Sigma Juris - Law Honor Society
French Honor Society - Société Honoraire de Francais
International Thespian Society - Drama
National Italian Honor Society - Societa Onoraria Italica
Mu Alpha Theta - Mathematics
National Art Honor Society
National Business Honor Society
National English Honor Society
National Forensics League Honor Society
National Honor Society
National Honors Society of Dance Arts
Quill & Scroll - Scholastic journalism
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
Science National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society - Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
Student Television Network Honor Society
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Clubs & Organizations
Ambassadors Club
Anime Club
Athletic Training Club
Be the Light Club
Drama Club
Environmental Club
Royal Trend Fashion Club
Fine Arts Club
Glee Club
Guitar Club
International Relations Club
Key Club
Latin American Culture Club
Life is a Gift Club (Respect Life)
Marian Club
Photography & Film Club
Portuguese Culture Club
Purple Heart Club
Robotics Club
Royals for Animals (RADAR)
Royals Debate Team
Salesian Provincial Youth Council
Social Justice Club
Stock Market Club
Student Government Association