31 Days of Christmas Giving
The Christmas Giving program is designed to enhance the many needs we have at ILS as well as to usher in the season of “giving” mirroring the gift God gave us with his Holy Son. If you are receiving this note from ILS, we hope you will strongly consider one of the levels of the Christmas tree to tap on and commit this year for the growth of ILS so that we may continue to provide the very best in Catholic education to our youth for many years to come.
The Christmas Giving provides this opportunity, once again, to join in the legacy that ILS has offered for over 60 years and is a great way to end 2020 committing to this ongoing legacy.
Each ornament of the tree represents a different level of commitment…we ask that you prayerfully commit to a contribution with the hopes that there will be many “Stars of Bethlehem” which is the highest level of commitment!
We pray as an Immaculata-La Salle Family, that your Advent provides the preparation for the Christmas miracle and that you join in the continuing miracles and blessings here at ILS during these next 31 days of the Christmas Giving!
Star of Bethlehem
Luis Miguel Gonzalez Ocque
Quimby-Moro Family
Maria Restrepo Forte
Marlen Caudron
Santas Nice List
Alejandro & Claudia Capriles Barrios
Eugene Cruz
Manuel Garcia
Alejandra Rumbos
Luisa Serratore
Patricia Suastegui
Zoe Wolfe
Monica Kuljich
Cristina Ramirez
Maria Concepcion
Maria Poleo
Claus Salge
Yvette Robinson
Vivian Macia
Maricela Mendoza
Roy Justiniani
William and Gabrielle Noyes
Unda Hass Family
Gail Wright-Wilder
Karina y Carlos Carles
Laura Leon de Di Polo
Arturo Alonso
Selina & Hernando Chong
Raul Driggs
Cindy Garcia
Torres Zingg Family
Michele Pacheco
Josefina Gonzalez (Flores)
Stefania Finley
Daniel Sannia
Maria Ignacia Arcaya
Sandra de la Torre
Dorine Heller
Camila Quintero
Susana Moro Quimby
Ana Tangari
Cristina Nicolich
Jose Juara
Ryan Desalle
The Plasencia Family
Freddy Padovan
Brian Ramos
Luis & Patricia Beltfort
Charlene Betancourt
Kenia Castro
Eduardo Gonzalez
Claudia Caparroso
Maricruz Lopez
Ingrid Noguera
Joansis Pons
Jodi & Evelio Garcia
Jessie Lastres
Charles Esber